Cards Got Away from the READ Option Spread...Jamar is


Gold Member
Jul 23, 2006
accustomed to. That is his strength and was used in the Auburn game by him and was successful. Lamar Jackson (UL's) qb, was used primarily by his HS coach very effectively the read option, jet sweep and his HS coach says that is his asset! I know that Lamar wants to prove he can throw the ball, but he must be patient with that and do those things that he is effective with. Houston having a Qb (Greg Ward) simarily to Jamar's acumen and strength was more effective. Seems to me that I did not see the freedom (LJ) had. Kyle Bolin is more patient an let's the play develop, whereas Lamar must react according to how the play progresses and react to it. b Our Offense is very young and reacts more favorably to plays with the read option and sweeps! JMO.....!