Cal Endorses Payne

Payne is the best thing that could’ve happened for Kentucky fans. He’s learned how to coach from Calipari, but unlike Calipari he doesn’t have a team loaded with NBA talent. Calipari can’t coach, he just knows the people he needs to to get players.
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Bozich and WDRB (excluding Crawford) provide evidence of just how much influence that UK has on UL. Of course Calipari will offer his support of Payne; what better way to secure UK’s further domination of UL in basketball.

Can you imagine how that article can give the very few KP supporters who are left, with some small measure of hope in retaining KP here at UL?

The players expressing their affection for Kenny is not surprising, as Payne’s ability to relate personally with the players was the one and only contribution that he provided to Calipari while at UK.

Any casual observer who had any familiarity with UK basketball knew that was the only reason why Payne remained as an assistant at UK for so long …….. everyone knew he was incapable of being a HC anywhere.