In the ultra-olden days, just 35 years ago, newspapers published fresh information and story updates up to 9 - 12 times per day, in new editions run from their presses. Presses ran all day long.
Now people expect fresh 'information' to be available every 2 seconds.
Newspapers have become mostly irrelevant in reporting fresh/new information. The few good ones which remain are those that develop and print interesting topical in-depth thoughtful investigations and articles. The CJ is not one of those.
The microwave society has eliminated good newspapers and good journalism. We have been conditioned to want one-line, one-sentence summaries for major world events that really need 20 pages of depth. We now think it's just so cool to know at least one small thing about something that goes only a billionith of an onion skin deep.
We are becoming an ignorant society of humans that wants media organizations to tell us what everyone else is thinking so that we can do what everyone else does.
Back to the CJ and the Sports story deadlines. It is pointless to discuss it because there's no horsepower or investment in the newsroom. They don't give a darn. They don't care because we don't care, because immediacy of shallow information has won out.