Switched everywhere. Had to put it on streaming to watch the end of the blowout win for the CARDS!
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Usually i record because i work nights.

Id be highly pissed had i missed the end.

I understand switching in out of markets, but not the home market.

Pure bullshit :mad::mad::mad:
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When they switched, the game was picked up on an alternate ESPN (2 I think),network.
They switched it to ESPN news but that's not what they normally do. If a game is going long, they'll start out the game to follow on the alternate station or on the ESPN app which is what they should have done yesterday. People record these games for future viewing. Thanks to ESPN, this game was ruined.
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I think all games our one ESPN 3 so it’s still available. But having said that it was ridiculous that they switched.
I think what ESPN was actually doing was trying to keep their ESPN News channel relevant by switching a big time ACC game over to it. That way, providers can’t just decide to drop ESPN News channel from their lineup in an attempt to save money.
I think what ESPN was actually doing was trying to keep their ESPN News channel relevant by switching a big time ACC game over to it. That way, providers can’t just decide to drop ESPN News channel from their lineup in an attempt to save money.

I understand that Push. Money runs everything.

And as someone who watches the NFL, this is routinely done when there are blowouts, but to oitside home markets.

I lived in Denver 3 years and they NEVER switched the Broncos game. Those fams would literally drive to Connecticut and cause havoc.

Espin slobbers over Duke, SuCkS, Kansas, UNC, Bama football.

Usually you start game number 2 or their alternate channels, when game 1 is running long or going into OT, unless its the Home market. That was just pathetic on Espin
Is there a legal or contract reason they can’t do a split screen thing if one game runs long? They also did the old switcheroo during the UK / someone game to show the U of L / IU game. The UK fans where I was were not happy and thought the bartender switched the game on them for a minute.
I think what ESPN was actually doing was trying to keep their ESPN News channel relevant by switching a big time ACC game over to it. That way, providers can’t just decide to drop ESPN News channel from their lineup in an attempt to save money.
So switching the start of Duke-FSU to ESPN news for a few moments wouldn't have done the same thing for those wanting to see that game? ESPN screwed UofL and their fans simply because UNC was getting their ass handed to them on their own floor. Had UNC been up by 20, they would have started the Duke game on ESPN news. We all KNOW ESPN is not UofL's friend. They constantly streamed the BS FBI crap across the scroll like UofL was the only program involved. Total bias.
Louisville is the #1 market when it comes to sports. How do you do switch on this market?