Better Team Won - Officiating Was Hilarious


Five-Star Poster
Jan 20, 2011
Bogus hands to the face, them forcing DeVante out, hilarious spots, mugging of receiver over the middle, no call for targeting, incomplete pass that was actually a fumble we were running with.... more funny spots.

That was just odd.

We got worn out and we weren't as good as them but the calls in this game were just so bad that I have to think it was somewhat scripted.
Players make mistakes
coaches make mistakes
officials make mistakes.

The team can control their mistakes, not crummy officials.
Good game, we came out on top but it was hard fought game on both sides.

But to your calls. The hands to the face was legit, turned the OL's head 90 degrees by the facemase. You have an arguement for the Parker call, but you scored a play or 2 later. There were no obvious PI missed, some were close, but all good plays on the ball are. I don't know if they missed a targeting on us or not, but they missed on our #82 as well, maybe Big10 doesn't call it as tight as ACC/SEC officials do. The incomplete pass was just that, his arm was clearly moving forward and his release was intentional. A forward pass doesn't have to be pretty, overhand or with the correct hand, all it has to be is an attempted throw forward, which it was. I did see us get 1 favorable spot by about half a yard.
I agree with the Dawg, for the most part. That incomplete pass should have been a fumble and it looked like we would've taken it for a first down. However, it happened so fast, it was an easy call to miss. If UGa recovers that, then we would've been sighing relief that they had blown the whistle.

The favorable spot hurt, but it didn't decide the game.

I wouldn't describe the officiating as particularly bad, or "hilarious," as you put it.

In addition to QB play, which is getting most of the attention, Georgia severely outplayed us on SPECIAL TEAMS.