Ashely Judd apologizes for UK fans social media attack on UC Ellis


Nov 23, 2012
Apparently many of the attacks were racist in nature, which seemed to escape this poster on Cats Paws who wrote: "I hate the fact that he was subject to racial slurs. But, I still think he's a thug."[/I]
UK, racial slurs? Old, old news. I wonder how they separate the composition of their team from the black general public.
Originally posted by ACCCard:
Apparently many of the attacks were racist in nature, which seemed to escape this poster on Cats Paws who wrote: "I hate the fact that he was subject to racial slurs. But, I still think he's a thug."[/I]
You talking about this person?

She has a lot to apologize for.

This post was edited on 3/25 7:27 AM by Cue Card
Originally posted by Wordless65:
UK, racial slurs? Old, old news. I wonder how they separate the composition of their team from the black general public.

Hypocrites as always.

*The same fine fanbase that used to call the Louisville Cardinals "the Blackbirds" back in the mid 70s.

*The same bunch that used to call their now savior Calipari "a Slimeball and a Cheater".

*The same narrow minded fans that used to call nice guy UofL players who sported lots of tattoos " Black Thugs" but they loved Demarcus Cousins. Not sure if their beloved Willie Cauley-Stein has room on his body for any more ink which is fine.

*The same bunch that still worships at the shrine of that racist old prick Adolph Rupp and denies that he was. Yeah right.

*The same fanbase that wakes up every day and justifies rooting for the most scandal ridden program in college basketball history and currently employs a coach who has had 2 Final Fours vacated and has slithered away each time unscathed.

*Now making excuses for the bag-lady Judd. It never ends. GO CARDS
They even tweeted about Ellis' mother. Low no class fan base!
This post was edited on 3/25 12:59 PM by Deeva
Generalize much? the actions of a few do not speak for the thoughts/feelings of the many.

Anyone shouting or posting racial slurs and familial insults is low class, regardless of fan base. There are such people in all fan bases, all income levels, all walks of life... There are people who are overtly racists and those who are subtle in the prejudices. The anonymity of the Internet makes that minority much more vocal as well.

I like UK and UL, and cheer them both on, attend games for each ... there are some detestable members in both fan bases, but overall the fans I have met and interacted with are fun and friendly. Some fun ribbing and teasing, but not this viciousness.

Call out the troublemakers, by all means, they deserve it... but stop painting with such a broad brush.
There certainly is alot of racist UK fans and there are alot of racist UL fans also, I work with a few of them. Racism is everywhere in every state, (toward every race) and I'm sure they are fans of a sport. Besides using it as ammo against a rival on a message board, since its such a hot topic for you and weighs heavy on your heart. what are you guys doing about racism? Thug life= Tupac to me and that is all.
Originally posted by BGWildcat:
There certainly is alot of racist UK fans and there are alot of racist UL fans also, I work with a few of them. Racism is everywhere in every state, (toward every race) and I'm sure they are fans of a sport. Besides using it as ammo against a rival on a message board, since its such a hot topic for you and weighs heavy on your heart. what are you guys doing about racism? Thug life= Tupac to me and that is all.
Cool story, bro! Now please kindly show yourself out. What other fan base acts like Big Bigot nation does? Answer: None.
Originally posted by CardFan1130:

I hope you know I was being completely facetious.
Yes, I understood and support the sarcasm. One of the main reasons racism is still a problem is that everyone refuses to talk about it, and if they do, they are censored.
I suggest that UK fans read about Don Haskins opinions about UK fans and racial hatred. I know there are just a few according to UK fans, but Don received 42,000 pieces of hate mail after Texas Western beat KY. So we know there were at least that many 40 years ago and racists have been known to hide and multiply like roaches. So do the math.
Originally posted by Atwood8665:

Originally posted by CardFan1130:

I hope you know I was being completely facetious.
Yes, I understood and support the sarcasm. One of the main reasons racism is still a problem is that everyone refuses to talk about it, and if they do, they are censored.
You're OK in my book Atwood!
I wish more people would take Morgan Freeman's approach to racism. The only way to eliminate things from the public eye is to stop giving them attention.

Freeman has publicly criticized the celebration of Mike Wallace, "I am going to stop calling you a white man and I'm going to ask you to stop calling me a black man."
Originally posted by KRJ1975:
I wish more people would take Morgan Freeman's approach to racism. The only way to eliminate things from the public eye is to stop giving them attention.

Freeman has publicly criticized the celebration of Mike Wallace, "I am going to stop calling you a white man and I'm going to ask you to stop calling me a black man."
Sheeeeeit!!! GTFO with that BS.
Originally posted by Briggsky:
I suggest that UK fans read about Don Haskins opinions about UK fans and racial hatred. I know there are just a few according to UK fans, but Don received 42,000 pieces of hate mail after Texas Western beat KY. So we know there were at least that many 40 years ago and racists have been known to hide and multiply like roaches. So do the math.
I don't dispute that there are racists in the Kentucky fan base. I am fortunate enough not to be friends with any of them. I also don't dispute that Haskins got that much hate mail 50 years ago. I would believe that most of the people who wrote those things are dead, and they took their hateful, racist filth with them. Using your logic, there should be more racists now than there were 50 years ago, which would mean that the country is more racist now than it was when Dr. King was marching on Washington. Clearly that isn't true, as we as a nation are closer to equality than we have ever been.

I would also hope that you wouldn't be shortsighted enough to blame someone for the acts of another, or to blame a son for the acts of his father. Your shortsighted, guilt-of-one-equals-guilt-of-all point of view is proof to how close-minded and hateful you are. I'm sure you would feel wronged if someone decided that you should be punished for the beliefs of your grandfather.
Originally posted by Atwood8665:

Originally posted by Briggsky:
I suggest that UK fans read about Don Haskins opinions about UK fans and racial hatred. I know there are just a few according to UK fans, but Don received 42,000 pieces of hate mail after Texas Western beat KY. So we know there were at least that many 40 years ago and racists have been known to hide and multiply like roaches. So do the math.
Clearly that isn't true, as we as a nation are closer to equality than we have ever been.
Oh please! You seen what's come out of the woodwork since President Obama took office? Just because it isn't quite as blatant as it was doesn't mean it's all that much better. I guess you can say that since we can't kill blacks for sport anymore (well except for cops), etc. that things have improved, but "equality", hardly!
I imagine all fan bases have a few racists. UK, however, is the only school that named their arena after one.
Originally posted by CardFan1130:
Originally posted by Atwood8665:

Originally posted by Briggsky:
I suggest that UK fans read about Don Haskins opinions about UK fans and racial hatred. I know there are just a few according to UK fans, but Don received 42,000 pieces of hate mail after Texas Western beat KY. So we know there were at least that many 40 years ago and racists have been known to hide and multiply like roaches. So do the math.
Clearly that isn't true, as we as a nation are closer to equality than we have ever been.
Oh please! You seen what's come out of the woodwork since President Obama took office? Just because it isn't quite as blatant as it was doesn't mean it's all that much better. I guess you can say that since we can't kill blacks for sport anymore (well except for cops), etc. that things have improved, but "equality", hardly!
So you're saying we're further from equality now than we were when minorities couldn't vote? Just because we're closer to equality doesn't mean we've achieved it.
I never said all UK fans are racists. Why is it hateful to be opposed to racists. I grew up with racists and every almost every one was a KY fan. It's obvious you weren't around then, and even more obvious that you haven't grown up yet. Why would any fan hang around any other board when you have a team in the hunt. As bigoted as you are, any objectivity you might have had is covered in hate. You haven't had a single fact all week and you are the one with little objectivity. We welcome opinions here unlike any KAT site. UK fans cannot any tolerate other opinions especially on their sites. You've had your say and nobody agrees with you. Just go away and let us enjoy our guys and their efforts. I will admit that we do love to watch UK fans show their azz nationally and hold tight to our right to point and laugh occasionally.
Originally posted by Briggsky:
I never said all UK fans are racists. Why is it hateful to be opposed to racists. I grew up with racists and every almost every one was a KY fan. It's obvious you weren't around then, and even more obvious that you haven't grown up yet. Why would any fan hang around any other board when you have a team in the hunt. As bigoted as you are, any objectivity you might have had is covered in hate. You haven't had a single fact all week and you are the one with little objectivity. We welcome opinions here unlike any KAT site. UK fans cannot any tolerate other opinions especially on their sites. You've had your say and nobody agrees with you. Just go away and let us enjoy our guys and their efforts. I will admit that we do love to watch UK fans show their azz nationally and hold tight to our right to point and laugh occasionally.
Briggs, I know you're an angry person, and that's ok. You've lived your life and obviously experienced things that have made you dislike Kentucky fans, and that is unfortunate. I wish that weren't true, because I genuinely do hate that some Kentucky fans give a bad name to the rest of us.

The fact that you grew up and almost every racist you knew was a Kentucky fan doesn't mean that being a Kentucky fan makes you a racist. I'm sure you're familiar with the terms causation and correlation. Your experience is a case of correlation, not causation. Had you grown up somewhere else, the racists you met would have been fans of other teams. Had you lived in Texas, the racists you met would have been more likely to be University of Texas fans. Would that mean that being a Texas fan makes you a racist? No, that's silly. It's not any more logical that being a Kentucky fan would make you a racist.

I've made it clear that I am opposed to racism, no matter the circumstances. I have never once supported a racist comment or done anything but condemn one.

My biggest problem with everything you post is that it condemns an entire group of people because of the color they cheer for. You stereotype every poster who might support another team, calling them racist, poor, and stupid. You do realize how vicious and cruel it is to make fun of someone for having less than you do, right?

All that being said, congratulations on the win tonight, and I will be cheering for you in two of the next three games. I grew up cheering for both Kentucky and Louisville, and I would love to see a Kentucky-Louisville championship game.
Atwood, I'm not talking about race now, but go read your own board. There isn't a more obnoxious fan base in America than that cult. Yeah there's plenty of decent people and fans but man the lunatics sure drown out you reasonable people. True story, I use to be a huge UK fan. Right around the time the internet message boards became so prominent I did an about-face once I saw how disgusting the majority of them were. And the disdain they have for Rick Pitino for having the nerve to coach UL sealed the deal.
back a few posts response: One has to paint with a broad brush to capture the ones that are being targeted in this post.

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