Addition by Subtraction


Four-Star Poster
Nov 28, 2002
At the risk of sounding hypocritical, I am beginning to believe that HVL’s departure might evolve into an improved roster with greater success in 2023-24. No one was more appreciative of Hailey last year, as I believe Jeff doubted those surrounding her were able to step up consistently and contribute, particularly in the first half of the season. As the season progressed we saw improvement from Carr, Jones, Harris, Russell and Dixon; but it was fragmented and teams like Iowa, Miami, IU, VT and South Carolina showed how despite each having a “go to” player like HVL …… they had more mature talent who provided support much more consistently.

ND was a lot like UL last year, when Olivia Miles was injured late …… the Irish were exposed as those surrounding Miles became too dependent on her for ball handling, passing, rebounding and scoring. Jeff knew that HVL, like Miles had to carry the responsibility early on until the others stepped up.

This influx of experienced transfers that Jeff as signed so far, appear to bring something Emily brought in, that frankly Morgan left at FSU. I believe Morgan and Chrislyn never felt comfortable with HVL having so much control of the basketball in their half-court offense.

It is entirely possible this 2023-24 UL starting 5 will have 4 guards on the floor at the same time for those situations where defensive athleticism, and more balanced offense is required; something that I fear had HVL remained here at UL, we would never experience.
I agree and the players he is bringing are clutch players. Players that have been in tough situations with their teams and know how to handle the situation. He also has bigger guards better suited for offense and defense.
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You need stars on your team who play like they're just one of the "guys". Not sure how that's defined, you just recognize it when you see it.

When someone like me starts to name a style of play after you, e.g., Hailey-ball, you've lost touch with that. And as I was when this past season ended, I was ready to move on.

I thank Hailey for a different reason than many do...
I don't want to kick her on her way out. I am one of the few who was highly critical of Dana, HVL, and our PG from Vandy last year.
I think she just hated being under the spotlight, microscope, magnifying glass...
She may thrive and even get SEC POY of the year next year, in the right system. She is probably waiting to announce her commitment, for tomorrow, or sometime this week, when things cool down from transfer portal... or maybe she is waiting to drop the hammer, when she can get the whole state of Louisiana to boost her social media numbers and re-sign her NLI... Whatever she does, will set the internet on fire. I don't wish her ill. I would LOVE for Jeff to step up and beat her in the tournament... or even schedule a game with LSU and beat them. But we just don't have the guns to do it... we need a BIG time center... and for whatever reason... his style has not attracted NARRY a one....

It sucks... and as I said before... I hated how she seemed to make mistakes under pressure, late in the games or at crictical junctures. She averaged 4 Turnovers per game, for the better part of the season... and for those hinting at her playing PG.. and that Jeff promised her the spot... I just don't see it... Nobody was willing to listen to her on the court... which indicative of the rifts on the team. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe my stupid observations are stupid observations... but she got the lion's share of Jeff's trust, minutes, shots, and attention on the team. She faded against Stanford... and against Iowa... And her team mates looked to be very jealous, to me. And she did not trust her team-mates...
Just a lot of broken dynamics throughout the season until Kassa stepped in and ran the PG spot...

I won't say "Good riddance" because HVL was a talented scorer and shooter (when she was on) and a "For sure" thing is definitely what ANY team needs...
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Zipp ……. Examine Miami last year as evidence of just how successful a team without “a Star” can be when tournament time rolls around, particularly when the roster is filled with contributors, rather than one or two dominating the basketball.

The Portal changed everything; it has had the effect of a “re-start” for most all of the teams; IU and Iowa would be exceptions, as they returned veterans with talent and experience. However, for example in the ACC, one can see how teams that were never particularly competitive in our conference, became factors over the course of just 1 or 2 years. They could attract a few players to come in and fill the weaknesses that HS recruits cannot provide.

I suspect UL fans will be paying a lot of attention to where HVL transfers, and watch with interest as to how she and her next school perform in 2023-24. Conversely, I will not be one of those, as I sincerely doubt her future will have any impact whatsoever on UL next year. Jeff is already doing everything possible to transform this roster into a team that will challenge ND and others for an ACC championship.
...I think she just hated being under the spotlight, microscope, magnifying glass...
Say what?

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I actually think she transferred because there were only 5 players left on the team and she didn’t think he could get the caliber of players that he did.
Say what?


She was very high-profile player on the team. She was under scrutiny to perform and get the team, as whole to a certain level. That is what I meant by her being tired of being by herself...and on an island. She was basically our version of LeBron James Cleveland version 1.0.
I agree she was getting all the attention I don’t think she will get the same attention elsewhere.
I saw where Lexi Donarski is going to UNC I really was hoping we would get her she offers offense and defense. They say Lauren Betts will more than likely end up at UCLA another player I wanted. Aneesha Morrow hasn’t landed yet I think she is trying to get a big NIL deal.
I think HVL enjoyed every minute here of being the star, best player, focal point, whatever you wanna call it. And she probably thinks that will continue wherever she goes…
She looked very unhappy and checked out during this past season. Other posters on other forums on other sites, who went to the games, remarked out how she seemed distant, unhappy, and was sitting by herself during pre-game, or games, at times (not often).
She looked very unhappy and checked out during this past season. Other posters on other forums on other sites, who went to the games, remarked out how she seemed distant, unhappy, and was sitting by herself during pre-game, or games, at times (not often).
She was probably unhappy with how she was playing, her supporting cast, maybe her coaching. I doubt she attributed any of that to her assumed role as star of the team, high scorer, etc…
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None of us are privy to what she was/is thinking unless you know her or people near her. You definitely can't go by her demeanor during the games. She's as focused a competitor I've ever seen.

I believe of everything I've read it's her father that makes the most sense. He grew dissatisfied with Coach Walz and didn't like what the roster was looking like before his daughters final year of college. He looks the part of a hands on father/coach of his child.

I can't imagine Haley defying her father's wishes considering all the work and time he put into her basketball career. I was initially upset with her, but the more I look at it, the more it makes sense.
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I'm not sure about that. She may not be celebrated or brought back for anniversaries, but her numbers in three years at UofL will have her on many of lists in Cardinals history. Say something like number 1 for consecutive 20 point NCAA tournament games?

Unless she leads her new team to a championship, she will more than likely be known more for her three years at Louisville. Hopefully, somewhere down the line amends may lead to a happy reunion?
No matter what her accomplishments were when she was here her early departure soured a lot of people. Like Olivia Cochran said “ don’t worry about me I am loyal” that was a direct shot at HVL. Her departure showed everything she has accomplished was about her not the team. I don’t think a lot of fans will think of her in the same light as they do dedicated Louisville players.
We need to remember that Walz has had a lot of players leaving over the years. HVL is just the first star player.

I think most fans were shocked which leads to the soured reaction. Why? What happened? I had the same reaction. However, it's just the times we live and after looking at everything, I can see why it happened. It probably won't be the last time.
I enjoyed watching HVL play. She played hard and I think gave it her best here for three years. But I harken back to when she and Emily Engstler were crying after the final four run came to an end over how much Jeff Walz meant to them. So what changed for her to seemingly turn her back on Walz? It's a very mercenary turn of events which seems to be the norm now. I think I will tend to remember Emily's one year and what she brought to the program with that final four more fondly.
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No mystery here; just ask yourself as to what outlier that HVL brought to UL, which CJW and his Women’s Basketball Program had never experienced before?

The answer is pretty obvious, its Hailey’s father‘s “overwhelming participation“ in Hailey’s college career and his plans and his influence in his daughter‘s future.
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I don't want to kick her on her way out. I am one of the few who was highly critical of Dana, HVL, and our PG from Vandy last year.
I think she just hated being under the spotlight, microscope, magnifying glass...
She may thrive and even get SEC POY of the year next year, in the right system. She is probably waiting to announce her commitment, for tomorrow, or sometime this week, when things cool down from transfer portal... or maybe she is waiting to drop the hammer, when she can get the whole state of Louisiana to boost her social media numbers and re-sign her NLI... Whatever she does, will set the internet on fire. I don't wish her ill. I would LOVE for Jeff to step up and beat her in the tournament... or even schedule a game with LSU and beat them. But we just don't have the guns to do it... we need a BIG time center... and for whatever reason... his style has not attracted NARRY a one....

It sucks... and as I said before... I hated how she seemed to make mistakes under pressure, late in the games or at crictical junctures. She averaged 4 Turnovers per game, for the better part of the season... and for those hinting at her playing PG.. and that Jeff promised her the spot... I just don't see it... Nobody was willing to listen to her on the court... which indicative of the rifts on the team. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe my stupid observations are stupid observations... but she got the lion's share of Jeff's trust, minutes, shots, and attention on the team. She faded against Stanford... and against Iowa... And her team mates looked to be very jealous, to me. And she did not trust her team-mates...
Just a lot of broken dynamics throughout the season until Kassa stepped in and ran the PG spot...

I won't say "Good riddance" because HVL was a talented scorer and shooter (when she was on) and a "For sure" thing is definitely what ANY team needs...
Well said and I couldn’t agree more.
Some players leave because they want more playing time, friction with the coach or to just be closer to home. Peyton left because she wanted more playing time so did several other players and I understand that. I remember when Maryia Moore ( I am not sure I spelled her name right ) left it caught people off guard but she left and was never thought of again.
The difference between HVL leaving and the others was that HVL was the face of our program, was treated differently than the other players. She was given as many minutes as she wanted and given free rein on the court. The city, the university and the people of Louisville embraced her and she did the same to us.
I think she left because so many other players left and she didn’t think CJW could put a competitive team back together for her final year. Well she was wrong because I actually think the team that the coaches have assembled will be better than this years team. CJW for some reason does not recruit big post players he would rather play 4 guards.
Unfortunately I think that is the only thing keeping him from winning the title. However, next years team will have plenty of size no one will be taller than 6’3” but we will have bigger guards. When I looked at LSU’s roster they had nobody on their team bigger than 6’3”. Wouldn’t it be priceless if Louisville made it to the Final Four and LSU gets bumped out early? By the way if HVL came back for an anniversary of teammates I wouldn’t welcome her.
Some players leave because they want more playing time, friction with the coach or to just be closer to home. Peyton left because she wanted more playing time so did several other players and I understand that. I remember when Maryia Moore ( I am not sure I spelled her name right ) left it caught people off guard but she left and was never thought of again.
The difference between HVL leaving and the others was that HVL was the face of our program, was treated differently than the other players. She was given as many minutes as she wanted and given free rein on the court. The city, the university and the people of Louisville embraced her and she did the same to us.
I think she left because so many other players left and she didn’t think CJW could put a competitive team back together for her final year. Well she was wrong because I actually think the team that the coaches have assembled will be better than this years team. CJW for some reason does not recruit big post players he would rather play 4 guards.
Unfortunately I think that is the only thing keeping him from winning the title. However, next years team will have plenty of size no one will be taller than 6’3” but we will have bigger guards. When I looked at LSU’s roster they had nobody on their team bigger than 6’3”. Wouldn’t it be priceless if Louisville made it to the Final Four and LSU gets bumped out early? By the way if HVL came back for an anniversary of teammates I wouldn’t welcome her.
I think her leaving, has lit a fire under Coach Jeff Walz.
I also think she is forming some type of media power team with her, Bayou Barbie, and Flau-jay....
If she starts rapping, I will truly not like her... but we all had so many speculations... some of them are ringing true.
This is about her brand.... and some of it is possibly driven by daddy dearest (I promise you, to me he looks like a drunk, and her mom looks like a valley girl snob, please don't hate me, I don't think they are those people, but their facial expressions... mannnnn, because I know they are from Po-dunk Washington, and may not be the case).
She just wasnt happy here, being "the one". It was too much of a target on her back... and she had high expectations of her team mates that just did not come to bear.
Being honest, Mulkey has had a lot of players transfer out of her programs as well. Especially at Baylor. She just had wayyyyy more 5-star players to burn through.
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Some players leave because they want more playing time, friction with the coach or to just be closer to home. Peyton left because she wanted more playing time so did several other players and I understand that. I remember when Maryia Moore ( I am not sure I spelled her name right ) left it caught people off guard but she left and was never thought of again.
The difference between HVL leaving and the others was that HVL was the face of our program, was treated differently than the other players. She was given as many minutes as she wanted and given free rein on the court. The city, the university and the people of Louisville embraced her and she did the same to us.
I think she left because so many other players left and she didn’t think CJW could put a competitive team back together for her final year. Well she was wrong because I actually think the team that the coaches have assembled will be better than this years team. CJW for some reason does not recruit big post players he would rather play 4 guards.
Unfortunately I think that is the only thing keeping him from winning the title. However, next years team will have plenty of size no one will be taller than 6’3” but we will have bigger guards. When I looked at LSU’s roster they had nobody on their team bigger than 6’3”. Wouldn’t it be priceless if Louisville made it to the Final Four and LSU gets bumped out early? By the way if HVL came back for an anniversary of teammates I wouldn’t welcome her.
L1C4 doesn’t apply when it comes to HVL. She’s history. Her and Mulkey are made for each other.
I think her leaving, has lit a fire under Coach Jeff Walz.
I also think she is forming some type of media power team with her, Bayou Barbie, and Flau-jay....
If she starts rapping, I will truly not like her... but we all had so many speculations... some of them are ringing true.
This is about her brand.... and some of it is possibly driven by daddy dearest (I promise you, to me he looks like a drunk, and her mom looks like a valley girl snob, please don't hate me, I don't think they are those people, but their facial expressions... mannnnn, because I know they are from Po-dunk Washington, and may not be the case).
She just wasnt happy here, being "the one". It was too much of a target on her back... and she had high expectations of her team mates that just did not come to bear.
Being honest, Mulkey has had a lot of players transfer out of her programs as well. Especially at Baylor. She just had wayyyyy more 5-star players to burn through.
I said it many times this year and got push back. I don’t think HVL is a leader and if I’m wrong and she is, she’s a leader no one wants to follow for whatever reason. And I do believe her father is a helicopter parent and it will be interesting to see how that floats with Mulkey
Mulkey won’t care one bit if she wins another National Championship.
I said it many times this year and got push back. I don’t think HVL is a leader and if I’m wrong and she is, she’s a leader no one wants to follow for whatever reason. And I do believe her father is a helicopter parent and it will be interesting to see how that floats with Mulkey
I agree with you in a different way.
She desperately wants and needs to be a leader. But her style of play does not promote it.
She is a pure scorer. She wants to be a point guard. We needed her as a pure scorer. She has not developed as a PG. Have to admit this year's team was below standards. Part of it was her fault. Part of it was lack of talent.
Jeff brought in scoring and ball handling help to try to get her open to play PG. Again, for the previous 2 years, she played a complimentary scoring role. She was not going to overtake Dana as the lead guard. And she and K Smith were off ball scorers.
You could see her try to be better at "this passing thing" this year... but she would throw passes to where she wanted "Elite" teammates to be... or where she expected imaginary players to be. It was bad chemistry all the way. She didn't trust her teammates and her teammates "sho nuff" didn't trust her to make them better. 3.4 assists a game shows her accidentally passing the ball in good situations... or rather her passing to 3-point shooters, or jump shooters. Kassa helped on some of those assists by hitting mid-range jumpers.. as did Olivia and some of the others...
At the end of the day, she saw an entirely new REVAMP... and then Jeff bringing in another West Coast PG... sort of split her wig a bit... because the new girl is a around the same height, but with more speed.
Again, she as gone anyway, before the start of the season, but some things were driven home and made more solid for her to leave. I watched how Jeff screamed and shouted at other girls, but let HVL do whatever she wanted to do. He finally started sitting her a bit when she got fouls here and there... but the lack of chemistry between her and the rest of the team, especially between her and Cochran and her and CC was glaringly obvious.
When she laces em up for LSU, she will have a little bit more respect... but I don't think she will be better than their starting guard... at all.. so it will be VERY interesting to see if she shines there...
Only one basketball to go around, and Mulkey has so many more options that CJW ever had …… if HVL’s FG% does not improve with fewer attempts that what she did at UL …… she will be used quite differently than she and her father expected.
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I agree with you in a different way.
She desperately wants and needs to be a leader. But her style of play does not promote it.
She is a pure scorer. She wants to be a point guard. We needed her as a pure scorer. She has not developed as a PG. Have to admit this year's team was below standards. Part of it was her fault. Part of it was lack of talent.
Jeff brought in scoring and ball handling help to try to get her open to play PG. Again, for the previous 2 years, she played a complimentary scoring role. She was not going to overtake Dana as the lead guard. And she and K Smith were off ball scorers.
You could see her try to be better at "this passing thing" this year... but she would throw passes to where she wanted "Elite" teammates to be... or where she expected imaginary players to be. It was bad chemistry all the way. She didn't trust her teammates and her teammates "sho nuff" didn't trust her to make them better. 3.4 assists a game shows her accidentally passing the ball in good situations... or rather her passing to 3-point shooters, or jump shooters. Kassa helped on some of those assists by hitting mid-range jumpers.. as did Olivia and some of the others...
At the end of the day, she saw an entirely new REVAMP... and then Jeff bringing in another West Coast PG... sort of split her wig a bit... because the new girl is a around the same height, but with more speed.
Again, she as gone anyway, before the start of the season, but some things were driven home and made more solid for her to leave. I watched how Jeff screamed and shouted at other girls, but let HVL do whatever she wanted to do. He finally started sitting her a bit when she got fouls here and there... but the lack of chemistry between her and the rest of the team, especially between her and Cochran and her and CC was glaringly obvious.
When she laces em up for LSU, she will have a little bit more respect... but I don't think she will be better than their starting guard... at all.. so it will be VERY interesting to see if she shines there...
You CANNOT say CJW showed some sort of favoritism towards HVL. That is not allowed here.
You CANNOT say CJW showed some sort of favoritism towards HVL. That is not allowed here.
Oh I think that’s what happened, and he probably saw no other way. HVL was gonna play her game this year regardless of the results. If we were going anywhere, it was with her playing her best at the end of the year. I didn’t enjoy watching that, but it was reality.

Fortunately I don’t have to watch another season of it…
HVL was on the Taurasi/Bird telecast during the NCAA. When asked why she chose Louisville she said it was because she knew Coach Walz was going to let her play 'her' game. If letting her play her game was not favoritism it was awlfully close.
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HVL was on the Taurasi/Bird telecast during the NCAA. When asked why she chose Louisville she said it was because she knew Coach Walz was going to let her play 'her' game. If letting her play her game was not favoritism it was awlfully close.
Honestly, he "let her play her game" during the U19 tournament as well. Always dribbling, bring the ball up the court, bouncing it off her leg, or throwing disconnected passes, late in the game, and then hitting timely shots...
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Looking back, we struggled early in the season without Emily, and Jeff was convinced that he needed 40 minutes of Hailey until the rest of the roster could fit in with the rotation. We lost a lot of games where HVL was the only one shooting, and we won a lot where she was the only one scoring.

Someone said it earlier ….. HVL started to show her “unhappiness” late in the season, but it was the unhappiness that goes along with frustration in missing shots, and feeling like the officials were not protecting her from being fouled on her drives in the paint.

I said it before and I will repeat it one more time ….. we will be a better team next year by tournament time without HVL. Jeff has brought in mature experienced transfers much the same way that Mulkey and others did last year.
Looking forward…any whispers out there regarding additional players for this squad? I’ve looked and trying to find WBB portal info isn’t easy. I’d think CJW still needs to add a couple of more players. I am still holding out hope for a 6’3-5” post who just loves to rebound and play defense.
My understanding is there wasn’t a lot out there. Maybe not. Yet, high-end motor can do wonders on the boards. See Jasmine Jones and Emily Engstler. I am holding out hope he can find someone in that mold. Athletic, high-motor, defensive minded.
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I am hoping that Alexia Mobley is healthy this year and ready to contribute. Her profile out of high school was that she was a string rebounder.
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Two players out in the portal who appear to be decent matches. Barnum, 6’2” GT from Arkansas. Lauren Gustin, 6’1”ish from BYU.
Man, Ole Miss, LSU, UNC and Va Tech have faired very well due to portal adds. If Morrow goes to either UScJr or LSU - mark them down as odds on favorites to win the next championship.