A suggestion on how UL might respond to obvious disrespect


Four-Star Poster
Nov 28, 2002
While most of us can look to the NCAA as the culprit here, my focus going forward is with the ACC Leadership. No, I am not excusing the Selection Committee, as clearly they are ultimately responsible for this incredible act of disrespect, but until the NCAA further self-destructs, there is nothing this University can do to address this latest injustice, or prohibit future injustice.

It should be no surprise that of the four (4) ACC members selected, two are founding members of the ACC, each residing in the state of North Carolina. Bubba Cunningham can hide behind his prepared statement, “as having no participation in UNC selection”, but those of us who have participated in any Committee processes know that does not mean Bubba did not exercise his influence outside the private conversations for UNC’s inclusion, or his failure to stand up for UL in the seeding process.

I believe UL (Josh Heird) should begin actively lobbying with the majority of those ACC member ADs who are not located in the state of NC, nor are identified as supportive of the “Tobacco Road Mafia” who have abused their authority forever. I believe there has been a growing sense within many of the member schools who have experienced their own injustices over the years, and with the recent entrance of SMU, Cal and Stanford, it is now possible the majority of schools could wrestle control away for North Carolina. One initiative would be moving the ACC Basketball tournament away from Charlotte, as the geography screams change.

There is no reason for UL to think about leaving the ACC, but rather focus on gaining consensus with the majority of members schools that Tobacco Road is not representative of those schools outside of North Carolina and that it is time to find a more aggressive leadership that models the behavior of the SEC when it comes to supporting their own.

As Eric Crawford so effectively pointed out in his article this morning, Bubba never even had the courage to answer the question about UL being seeded 8, without invoking the names of UNC and Memphis. Bubba got away with screwing UL, but I honestly believe his performance on behalf of the ACC is being interpreted by most ACC members schools as “this could just as easily have happened to my school”.
So, what else is new?

It’s been going on since we got it.

But people say “oh no. They love us”

So we live with the 8 seed, bend over, and say “thank you. may we have another?”

We have to stay, and the travel is 100x better for us fans than the B12 would be.

I hope we become the “face” of the conference and then they CAN’T let us get an 8 seed.
I know it would not be a popular decision but I would love to hear Louisville was leaving the ACC. I'm done with the North Carolina/Duke bias. It's sickening and I loath the conference even more.

Not trying to be political and it's purely in jest, but DOGE should investigate the NCAA committee and their ACC hack chairman. Putting UNC in the field with just one quad win while at the same time putting Louisville and it's 27 wins at a 8 seed reeks of corruption.

Think about it. UNC is only three seeds lower than Louisville. If that isn't a huge flashing warning sign what is? Then there's Clemson, a team Louisville beat twice and they're 3 seeds higher than Louisville.

If UofL could logistically join the Big 10 or Big 12 they should do it in a heartbeat. I would even prefer moving back to the Big East. I understand why joining the ACC was attractive and necessary at the time for UofL, but today it's obvious the ACC holds some form of contempt for the University.

I pull against every ACC team in both football and basketball. I despise the conference my favorite team is in.
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I pull against every ACC team in both football and basketball. I despise the conference my favorite team is in.
Me too.

But IF we can continue to win through the resistance, we will get the last laugh.

The BIG would look down their nose at us maybe worse than Tobacco Road.

The B12 is a travel nightmare for fans. The closest away game is +/- 9.5 hours

This is the best conference us to excel

We have to just MAKE them “like” us…..then treat em like chit. 🤣
I tend to not worry about ACC because in 2030 it will either survive or die. More than likely UNC ends up in the Big Ten. They don’t care what happens today.

If it survives 2030 then yes it is not longer about NC. It is about moving the conference forward.
All we have to do is raise money so we can get the players to win the conference in both sports. Look what thats done for the sec that was an inept basketball confernce 15 years ago. The ACC definitely needs new leadership. Phillips is a clown sucking up big money himself.
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The future of the NCAA is already showing signs of evaporation, and it is becoming evident the future of the ACC will likely be determined by a few of the individual members, and/or how the SEC and BIG proceed forward in terms of expansion.

The point of my OP, is focusing on a combination of just two (2) facts; one is "the here & now", and the second is "what UL can do on its own". I truly believe that Josh and this University have a chance to lobby those ACC members who are experiencing the ACC Leadership in the same manner as UL. Fern Creek Card's note represents a third initiative; specifically the fans contributing to NIL funds to bring the talent that Brohm, Walz, Kelsey and McDonnell need to be equal or better than our opponents.
It's the same argument Maryland used to forward when Gary Williams was there; the ACC schedule is built around North Carolina/Duke and is a Carolinacentric league which is how it made it's bones except in the Ralph Sampson years though you then were contending with a much more Carolina/NC State league.

It is what it is and ultimately it's unraveling. Once UNC heads off to the Big Ten or the SEC in 2032 the league ultimately will either rebrand or simply dissolve.
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Its happening now, and the very ones who will question why, are the sames ones who are totally responsible for its decline and the consequences.