FB RECRUITING: 2026 Max Merz Commits

Good get. As a former Highlands player, it is really hard to get UofL on the radar or even consideration from a player or coaches. Heck, I once had an assistant coach try to get me to leave practice (double sessions) b/c I was wearing a Louisville polo. My friends interjected that I was an actual alum starter on a championship team and the assistant left kind of dejected. The point being that UofL does not get much respect or help in UK/ND/OSU territory. That's some good, solid recruiting by UofL. Would love to get another player from their O-line (probably the best O-line in the State) and their right DE who has just been blowing up some great teams (Lex Cath and Cov Cath) since moving to the position this year. Let's start a trend!
I also thought it was a great pick up also I hope he actually ends up here. I know sUcK will make a push for him now that we offered.

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