Turn over the entire roster


Jul 12, 2004
To be honest I think it might be best to totally turnover the roster. So tired of Payne flailing on the post game podium saying he can’t get these guys to play desperate on defense. If that’s thee case then they don’t deserve to play at UofL. We have a huge group of UofL diehards that travel in for this game and the guys don’t give a sh!t. Given that the same issues continue to crop up it either means the coach is not able to teach or the players aren’t capable of changing. If Payne is staying (he is), then it is incumbent on him to get guys that respond to his coaching.
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NO! Payne must go. Can't coach his way out of a wet paper bag. Please Kenny, go away. Let us Cardinal fans have some hope!
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To be honest I think it might be best to totally turnover the roster. So tired of Payne flailing on the post game podium saying he can’t get these guys to play desperate on defense. If that’s thee case then they don’t deserve to play at UofL. We have a huge group of UofL diehards that travel in for this game and the guys don’t give a sh!t. Given that the same issues continue to crop up it either means the coach is not able to teach or the players aren’t capable of changing. If Payne is staying (he is), then it is incumbent on him to get guys that respond to his coaching.
Is U of L interested in Gabe Sisk?
I really am at a loss with this year. I have never seen a group of players that collectively could care less if they win or lose. The way they play defense clearly tells us they don’t care.
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I really am at a loss with this year. I have never seen a group of players that collectively could care less if they win or lose. They way they play defense clearly tells us they don’t care.
Or is it lack of a system… coaching, real easy to
blame the players. I think the problem is everyone, players and coaches. We need a complete turnover with a few exceptions
To be honest I think it might be best to totally turnover the roster. So tired of Payne flailing on the post game podium saying he can’t get these guys to play desperate on defense. If that’s thee case then they don’t deserve to play at UofL. We have a huge group of UofL diehards that travel in for this game and the guys don’t give a sh!t. Given that the same issues continue to crop up it either means the coach is not able to teach or the players aren’t capable of changing. If Payne is staying (he is), then it is incumbent on him to get guys that respond to his coaching.
IF what Payne has been saying all season is true, then yeah boot every player not willing to play hard, to practice hard, to accept coaching, to learn and improve from mistakes.

Because if you believe Payne and take him at face value, you simply can't allow those guys to return.

Now if the Cards have virtually a brand new team next season and still have the same problems, we'll know it was Payne all along.
I'm not really sure if it matters but turning over the entire roster probably doesn't help this team for next year. I doubt he'd find equal value to replace everyone. Some of these guys are going to leave on their own the question is how many. He needs a few rotation guys to return. My guess is JJ is the most likely to return then he probably hopes 2-3 more return also. Then he can try to add 4-6 new guys. Adding 12 would probably be way too many.
Kicking every player off your team doesn't help your ability to recruit the portal or HS level. No player wants to join a program where the HC is firing all the players.
So the coach keeps blaming the players then brings them back for another year. If he does then that’s on him.

Josh Heird…have KP explain that to you.
I agree with the thought or sentiment to let everyone go and start over, but it’s not practical and is truly counterproductive. On the flip side, everyone may want out and that would be a story on its own.

He needs to try and keep at a minimum 3 to 4 guys from this team. More or less as rotation guys. None of the guys KP keeps should be starters unless they earn it and will have to understand they have to work to earn PT. If the guys he brings in are no better than the guys currently on the team, well… I think we all know how this ends.

I think there are only 5 guys that KP would want to keep and even still those guys may not want to stay.

IMO, Most likely to return:
Emmanuel Okorafor
JJ Traynor
Hercy Miller

IMO, Questionable to return:
Mike James

I think Ellis is gone and is a true Wildcard.
I think Withers has run his course and has become stale.
Hard to establish a culture of everyone leaves or maybe that is what is required. Ellis is the only one that has all the attributes to be a leader, personality, ability and work ethic. He probably isn’t coming back.

James and Lands are freshman both have pretty high ceilings. JJ has a high ceiling and fit the offense. Okafor fits what KP wants. Miller stays. Maybe BHH but I don’t still don’t get his HS ranking.

I think everyone else it will be mutual decision to part ways. It will be a numbers game.

There will be 5-8 returning players including 3 new comers. That leaves 5-7 spots. They have to be better players than the returning guys.
In a perfect world we keep:

Curtis Williams
Hercy goes/or stays at walk-on. Not sure what he is right now but he doesn't need to be on scholarship.

We sign Dennis Evans

Ree, Curry, Fabio, Wheeler all leave. Danny Manning is fired and therefore we pull the scholarship offer to JUCO Koron Davis (Manning recruit). That's 9 scholarships We bring in a starting PG and Center and add in another SG.

PG - Transfer
SG - Ellis
SF - Mike James
PF - BHH or Withers
C - Transfer

BHH/Withers, transfer SG, Lands, Glenn, Evans, Traynor, Williams off the bench.

We either need to keep Ellis and use him at PG and surround him with better guards or bring in another PG and slide Ellis over and use him at SG. I like Ellis best in the Russ Smith off ball attacking combo guard who can run point - not floor general running point. In this situation you've got 4 guys who can play guard - 2 who can run point. You've got multiple wing possibilities: James, Lands, Glenn,'ve got multiple PF possibilities: BHH, Withers, Traynor and you've got multiple Center possibilities: Transfer, Evans, BHH. The roster is versatile, has young talent and doesn't thrust any of the Freshman into an extended role during their first year.