Flagrant 1 or 2 at the 5:30 mark??

Originally posted by RedCard1:
I think 2.
It was a play on. Not even called a common foul. Lyles smacked that kid in the face, and it sure looked intentional to me, yet the refs called it incidental contact and a play on. Even the announcers were surprised (I was listening to the neutral feed).

It all evened out though a few moments later when the shot clock ran out yet Wisconsin got credit for a basket in spite of the shot clock violation.

In all seriousness, there were a ton of bad calls all game long. Most were going against Wisconsin IMO.
It was one of the worst called games I've seen in a long time, and definitely favored Kentucky in the second half. Almost quit watching after the flagrant foul wasn't called.
It's a little hard to call it incidental when the UK player is looking straight at the player he decks. Did he tell a ref " bicep went into a spasm and I couldn't control it?"
It should've been at least a flagrant 1. It was intentional and was a cross between a full on slap and a karate chop to the side of the face/neck area.

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