Duke Championship Validates "Rent a Player"


Jul 12, 2004
Of course Coach K has built up silos of goodwill so he doesn't get scorned upon like a certain slimy coach down the way. But his path to this championship was formed just like Coach Cow. After losing to Lehigh and Mercer in the tourney, Coach K decided to jump into the "rent-a-player" cesspool. In some ways this might be even more pathetic than UK employing this route. Duke University by all standards is one of the top universities in the nation; however they were willing to subvert academic pursuit for the pursuit of another basketball championship. So congrats Duke!
Wonderful. Still have great memories of blowing out Duke in 2013.
Bo Ryan used the "Rent a Player" phrase last night. However he said he was referring to 5th year transfers.
Originally posted by hs_sportsfan:
Bo Ryan used the "Rent a Player" phrase last night. However he said he was referring to 5th year transfers.
I realize you are a UK troll, but I'll respond anyways. 5th year players have actually completed their undergraduate work. They are pursuing post-graduate work. No comparison between their situation and those that have no interest in academic pursuit.
Originally posted by Knucklehank1:

Originally posted by hs_sportsfan:
Bo Ryan used the "Rent a Player" phrase last night. However he said he was referring to 5th year transfers.
I realize you are a UK troll, but I'll respond anyways. 5th year players have actually completed their undergraduate work. They are pursuing post-graduate work. No comparison between their situation and those that have no interest in academic pursuit.
I agree with your statement. I only added that Bo Ryan's exact words were 5th year transfers. Now why he said it I don't know but those were his words.

However I will add Pitino did add that the reason he was against one and dones was because he likes building relationships and getting to know the kids. I guess he won't get to know Lewis?
I agree with that statement, It is just funny how all coaches not just Rick or cal or whoever always make comments to fit their agenda and arecalways changing.
One year is still one year. Not all "one-and-done" players leave after one year, and not all leave in poor academic standing. The 5th year transfers, which I FULLY support, are not guaranteed to keep on top of their studies... and let's be honest, few are choosing their transfer school on academics; but on the chance to play with a top D1 school and coach. And for the record, I DON'T BLAME THEM.

I don't think 5th year transfers are fundamentally different than one-and-done/rent-a-players. Yes, the players are more mature and possibly better developed... but it's still only a one year player.

More power to them! I think it's great for the players and the programs. Frankly, I like the 5th year transfers better than JUCO transfers any day.
Originally posted by hs_sportsfan:
I agree with that statement, It is just funny how all coaches not just Rick or cal or whoever always make comments to fit their agenda and arecalways changing.
Funny thing to ask....or just WWW helping get those 5th year grads a spot at whatever school they choose to transfer to? Are the AAU coaches or shoe companies involved? Inquiring minds want to know.

To me it is not the same.
Recruiting is recruiting. The freshman one and down is a modernized version of recruiting back in the 80's. There are some significant differences in today's game. First, there are a certain number of freshman ready to play at a high level immediately. Second, the handlers are pooling of the elite players at a particular school. Talent was more widely distributed back in the 80's and 90's. Today the top center, top power forward, top point guard end up at the same school. In Kentucky case add in the top SF and Center. Third, the attrition at programs kids leaving earlier than expected and transfers prevent teams from having really talented experienced players. All these factors have led to these really young teams winning a bunch of games. Experience still plays an important role on all of these teams but that tends to get lost when 60 points are scored by freshman last night. But it was Thomas (JR/SR) that did a great job while Duke's big guy was on the bench. Cook had been through the wars.

Cal had the market cornered for awhile now others starting to adapt which will spread that talent back out. Coach P has the right idea just has to get this group to buy in. Taking a 5th year seniors is his way of adapting. He doesn't have to deal with all the outside influences with this process.
He actually said rent a player and then included 5th year player too. There is a difference. One has a degree the other doesn't.
Coach K has been utilizing the OAD for years. That team that lost to Mercer had Jabari Parker. The team that lost to Lehigh had Austin Rivers (I think).

K gets a pass from the media because Duke is the most prominent program in the country, and ESPN's own product that they have want to push, not tear down. He also gets a pass because he is likeable, and has humility. It's difficult to go after the guy given all he has accomplished and the respect he has for his opponents.

Duke is no different than any other major program that recruits OAD talent, it's just sort of an elephant in the room that nobody really wants to touch. They have a history of pushing a majority of their players to Sociology degrees also.

But again, there has just been, as the OP put it, silos of goodwill.

If media starts attacking all the greats for all their faults, the sport will be left with nobody to admire. As much as we appreciate our guy for his post season success, and graduation rates of the players over the years, he's kind of a jerk in a lot of ways and he had his own little issue there too.

Really, when you get down to it, none of these coaches are all that admirable - they are employed in a cut-throat business.
Duke doesn't fill its total roster with "rental players", huge difference imo compared to a yearly total roster rebuild/reload.
Originally posted by rockycard:
Duke doesn't fill its total roster with "rental players", huge difference imo compared to a yearly total roster rebuild/reload.
They had 8 scholarship players and 3 of the 4 freshman are going pro. UK had 13 scholarship players and 4 of which were freshman and 2 will go pro. Cauley-Stein going after junior year, harrison's going after sophomore, Dakari after his sophomore.

So if you think WCS and Harrison's are rentals, then Rozier and Harrell are rental players because they are leaving early. There is just such a double standard, lets see what Duke does next year. If Coach K doesn't sign a group of so called "one and doners" they will suck next year.

I guess Cal just needs to figure out how to adapt to today's rules.

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