Back and forth between Conde and Gibson

Howie, any insight on what happened? On TV struck me as purely a punk move since our guy is standing still with both feet on the bag when he was chucked in the chest.
Gibby was stealing catcher signs. No big deal. All part of the game.
Originally posted by EasyCard:
Gibby was stealing catcher signs. No big deal. All part of the game.
Why would an opposing player get pissed off by that? Like you say it is all part of the game and if you figure out the catcher's signs more power to you. I think the Vandy player just got caught up in the moment as they saw their goal slipping away. Similar to that cheap shot the Florida player laid on Teddy in the Sugar Bowl. Both came back to bite them in the end.
This post was edited on 6/10 9:52 AM by cards_rock
I don't know many of the nuances of baseball. But Gibson said the hard tag was a result of Vandy thinking he was trying to steal signs. And he said it so matter of factually it lead me to believe the tag was expected and was no big deal.
Stealing signs usually results in being plunked but because the game was close, neither team could afford to put runners on unnecessarily. It is part of the game but if you are doing it, don't bitch if you get one high and inside.
Originally posted by nccardfan:

Stealing signs usually results in being plunked but because the game was close, neither team could afford to put runners on unnecessarily. It is part of the game but if you are doing it, don't bitch if you get one high and inside.
Could that be the reason Coco was plunked twice?
I don't think it was in this situation. Coco leads the team in getting hit and his upper body tends to lend over the plate. The Vandy pitchers are taught to pitch inside and it was a case of neither one backing down. To his credit, Coco did not lose his cool.
I just don't think the plunk to Coco's head was intentional. It seemed that the ball just got away from the pitcher since he seemed genuinely surprised and somewhat remorseful. However, I'm not a baseball guy so if some of you with more baseball savvy think it was intentional, I could go along with that. It just seemed like the ball curled up and away and Coco just didn't have time to duck. You could hear the thunk back here in Louisville. 91 mph to the head, what fun.
Let up, guys. The Commodores are OK. They have teeth; they don't burn couches and they can spell. We beat them at something they are VERY GOOD at - at their place.

It's time to hose the Hosers. Make it 2-2 and not look back.

Vandy is good competition. They are not bad blood.

My guess is that Conde forgot to take his pill or change his pad. Maybe he thinks Gibson is special.

It's over. We won.
Look 71Card, if you don't want to add to an intelligent discussion, you don't have to add your 2 cents, especially when comments add nothing. It was a valid discussion on whether there was some intent to Coco being hit. Not calling out any Vandy players for being dirty.
Sorry for not saying things the proper way, NC. Let's try again:

IMO, Vandy plays clean ball. As strong as they are, they don't need to play dirty. If anything, Conde let his emotions get away with him for a moment.

We're behind IU 2-1. Let's go even it up.

Is that better?
Nope you still don't get it. If you read through the posts and knew baseball, I was saying that Conde was within his rights to slap a hard tag on Gibson. Gibson admitted that he was stealing signs. Got to expect some retaliatation from that but they didn't throw at him because the game was too close.
Yes, I get it, NC. I coached for 15 years. One of the basics is an assertive tag..for more than one reason. The deliberate chin music can be a tad aggressive but, beyond that, it's just boys playing good sound baseball.
I may have been a tad misunderstood. I wasnt labling the Vandy players as dirty. I was just wondering if the sign stealing was caught onto early enough, like the game before, to mark Coco as a plunkee. I definitly dont think the throw to the head was intentional but maybe the going high and tight was. But NC is right, Coco does crowd the plate and a pitcher needs to claim his plate by brushing the hitter back. The second plunk, in the back, looked a bit more intentional than the first but it would have been bad baseball at that point.
Zero percent chance anyone was hit on purpose in a close game in a super regional. The hard tag was the message, and it was not out of line.